Monday, June 23, 2008

June Bug

O.k. how funny is this picture?!!!? It totally doesn't even look like her and she looks like one of those little furry bears from Star Wars. So funny!!

O.k. I am a slacker I know. But, Honestly, life is busy. So.. I'll start that we went to the beach and had a good morning toward the end of may. I really wanted to get some open water swim time in and I was scared. I know now that is the only way I will be better at the swim, I have to do open water swim. Like I said, I was just nervous I was going to be eaten by a dolphin or something.

Lauren Loved these beach balls "they were the art" for the month. I feel like there is a bigger appreciation for just art in general out here. I like it. Dave was, like always, such a good Dad. I'm so glad Lauren and him are going to be close. I think it will be Lauren and I that will struggle until she is sitting in my seat.


  1. Woot in the wet suit ;), such a hottie!

    I got stung by a jelly fish before, it only hurts for a little while, so relax, hehe.

    I hope training is the hard part because it hasn't been easy :P.

  2. Marie, I see you have a blog too :-) Great job at your first triathlon! Too bad you didn't get to wear your makes the swim feel alot easier. Happy workouts, Carol

  3. That picture of lauren made me laugh out loud. so dang funny!

  4. Wow marie you are really taking the whole modest swimwear to a new level. Just kidding. How did your triathalon go? That is so cool that you did that. Those photos of the other triathalon look intense. I don't blame you for being scared. I'm sure you did great! What were the distances for the events and let me know how it went!

  5. What a hoot! That blue cap doesn't do anything for Lauren but the pic sure made me laugh.
