Friday, March 7, 2008


For those who have wondered... "What is Marie up to? She hasn't posted in a while." Well here are a few things...

Let us Start with our Trip to DC to visit Ben, Liz, and the Temple.

My what a big hat you have on Dave. We had so much fun and Thank you Liz and Ben!!! for babysitting and letting us have a sleepover at the age of 25.


Lauren Found a candle we took off the warmer hours earlier. Yep, it was still warm and plenty of fun for her little fingers. I am motivated by blogger to take pictures of things. I know funny hu? The wax came out of everything though. She couldn't have picked out a better candle. (sorry forgot to rotate the picture of the hair)

Like usual, we are taking trips to the park, even if it's bitter outside. Lauren is into the "big kid" swings. Proud as a peacock.
Later that week we had the opportunity to have a little slumber party with Sophia. She was so amazingly good for her first time overnight from mom and dad and big sisters ava and noel. Lauren was just exstatic to have her and thought she was her best friend. Until they both wanted the same toys of course. I put this picture because Sophia just loved Dave, she was always just grinning ear to ear at him. It was cute.

Good Morning Mommy! Yes, I know this is disgusting, but I just had to post it. I know Lara will have a good laugh at it. I think you other mom's will too. I'm very proud to say she was actually pretty clean about it. When I came in, she looked like she had just been trying to get her diaper off and some of the poo got on her leg so she tried to brush if off and it just kinda kept getting more and more dirty as things got touched. She felt bad though. Obviously not bad enough though because she tried the same thing this morning only there wasn't any poo outside the diaper and it was just pee on the sheets.

Hi Grandpa!

Yesterday we had a picknicke on our lawn. It was lots of fun, minus the neighbor's dog poop we found part way through the picknick. This isn't a good picture but it was the only one.


  1. Nice post! I had been wondering what you've been up to lately but now you are forgive because I see you have been busy cleaning up poop! That is so gross. It just proves that even the sweetest little kids are into crap behind closed doors. It is a great story and your right I did enjoy it. I like the cute little video too. I need to post some more photos and videos. All I've been putting up are blogs and I'm pretty sure people could care less about what I have to say. They just want to see my cute family.

  2. Cute pictures. I love that you said blogging motivates you to take more pictures. You asked how I made two columns on the side and honestly I don't know. I just copied the template from a site I visit.

  3. I love her run...and the gloves. Kids can make toys and fun out of almost anything! And as adults, we are always entertained by it. Love the updates and pictures! Its great to hear from you.

  4. I love that you posted that picture of the 'crappy' things in life! It is truly amazing how fast they can get into mischief. Thanks also for the video post. They are my favorite!

  5. Hey Marie! I'm glad you found us. Your blog is too cute. Love that the wax came out of everything. I'm going to add yours to our family list.

  6. Grandma Margie said,
    What can I say...Lauren just makes me laugh! I love the way she gets all excited putting on the big gloves. Her little victory dance around the room was so full of her bubbly personality.

    Regarding Lauren's fragrant mess - Somethings are just funnier after its all over. And I didn't mean that as in "all over the wall". Thanks for posting real life.
