O.k. I realize no one will see this because, let's face it. My blogging stability is weak. I'm getting back up to par, so bare with me for just a bit while I get my mouse spinning the wheels.
So.. No pictures but I have a confession... I haven't trained squat for this triathlon. Yeah, it's in three weeks. Eek! I mean I've exercised but... I felt soo drained and I was actually digressing in what I could do. So I followed a friends advice to take three days off. Well.. I wanted to be a sissy and it's been like two weeks since I've exercised. I went and did Yoga one week three times but.. let's be honest.. that is just like desert. I love it by the way and when this tri is over, I'm so incorporating Yoga into my weekly work out. Plus I felt like training took much of my life. I couldn't go and do things when people wanted to. It became a chore instead of fun, which I don't want it to be. So.. like blogging I'm getting back on the wagon tomorrow. I talked to my IronWoman cousin, she is freakin' awesome!, and she gave me some really helpful tips so... Ithink that this tri is going to hurt somethin' fierce but.. I actually am starting to feel like I want to do it again. Well ta ta Next time I'm going to have some fluff to the meat.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tri - ida
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thanks Lara and John
She was so cute when I put the outfit on her. As you can see she was trying to pose. Thanks so much!! You are so sweet. We miss you guys too and It will be fun to see you over Christmas!!! I really hope the family vacation works out!! I would love it!! I'm excited for you to start school Lara! You too John :)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Twilight News
O.K. so I was o.k. with Kristen Stewart for Bella, they seem to fit well, and Rob Pattinson.. well he's grown on me for Edward, now I think he's perfect. But, please this Jacob is lacking a little bit. He fit's the younger version of Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, but not Bella's Jacob. What do you guys think? And have you seen Adventure's of Shark Boy and Lava Girl? That is another one of his movies. Who know's maybe he'll grow on me too.
Two Thumbs Up!
O.k. so I've seen a whole bundle of movies in my day and these two took the cake, or pie in this case.
If you haven't seen either/or I suggest you do so. I don't typically suggest movies but these two were just well done. I felt like they were normal, so humen. I love the message in both of the movies and I really liked the characters. Well written, well acted, and well taken. Two Thumbs up for me!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Lauren!!!
How cool is it to have your birthday on the Fourth of July? We missed everyone and wished we could be with y'all both for Lauren's birthday and the Fourth events. Here are a few clips of the weekend. Thanks everyone for thinking of us.
Silly Me.
O.k. I have a silly confession. I just read the twilight series, excluding the book not released. I remember having reservations about the book. Honestly, it seemed silly. A girl falls in love with a Vampire? But I caved into curiosity and I will own all of the books so I can reread them as much as I want. I've already reread Twilight when I was waiting for a hold on Eclipse. I know this isn't even the silliest. The silliest part is that in the past week I've cried more for Bella, Edward, and Jacob than I have for myself in the past two years. Seriously, my eyes are either wet or red ;) How silly is that? They aren't even real lol So. I'm scouring to find a fellow who I can totally talk to about these books because Dave, poor Dave, is to the point of hiding the books ;) Give me a call or tell me what you guys thought of the books. How about the movie coming in December?
Friday, June 27, 2008
June bug II
O.k. so At the very end of May and Beginning of June I was in Utah ;) My family had a reunion and bumber, double bumber, that Dave couldn't come but... the show must go on. So It was really fun, I was so worried I would be so stressed and I wouldn't have fun. This year we stayed in a Cabin (and Mom and dad's trailer) that was a lot of fun. We flew in spent some time with Dave & Rach, I love them for picking us up. Lauren instantly loved her cousin's. Of course they are so sweet to her. We spent some time In Orem with Mom and Dad Peterson, then Drove down to Delta the next day. Oh and saw Mom in the Hospital. (She's had a busy summer) We stayed in Delta for a day and half with Dad Renee Coby and Aithne. This is Cousin Aithne, she was so fun and cute! This is her camera Smile. It's too funny!
Lauren Loved baby Coby!! He is such a beautiful boy. I just loved to hold him.
Renee and I would tease that we were the "odd" couple until James came up the next day at the cabin.
There were so many fun things that I remember, I just love my family, the whole Lot of them!!
We came home and I had a few days to adjust for the Tri that weekend, well, little did I know it would be longer. I came home to smoky skies. I there was a big mishap about the race, long story short.. thank goodness we called mom the night before to check the web site for packet pick up times and places.. the race was postponed, and we were half an hour away. (tri trip act 1)
yep we turned right around and rescheduled everything, the hotel was impossible but once I actually got a hold of them they were wonderful, they reimbursed me the night stay of 100 and gave me a discount for the next week for 75. cool hu? I was so stressed. So.. We went down the weekend Mom and Dad came to visit. I was so glad they visited, a slight tangent here for them. I was so glad to have them to myself ;) I just enjoy my mom and dad and it was perfect timing for them to come. We hung out on the porch the night they came and had cheese and apple and crackers. The next morning we went to the botanical gardens. It was a lot of fun!!
I wish we had more time. Then Dave got off early so we booked it home and loaded up and drove down. We had a bit of a jaunt around downtown Washington, NC then headed off to bed. Dad drove me to the race and I was glad to have that time just me and him. He was so supportive. I could see my dad doing this all the way. Maybe we can do one together. ;)They were sports but I really do think they had fun.
Well, I tell ya. I was so nervous! I kid you not I don't remember ever feeling this nervous and I have no idea why I was so nervous. It's just a race. I didn't know anyone, and I think everyone else knew at least one person.
So, I'm feeling nervous and lonely, and sick and what else under the sun. I couldn't sleep at all the night before I just laid there in the bed and Lauren woke up a couple of times too. So, I get there. It's a beautiful course, I checked it out the night before. The conditions were perfect ;) seriously they were. The water was like bath water, it was opaque, not completely dark, the entrance was an inlet beach with nice soft sand, no rocks. We swam down current, if there even was a current. It's was out down, and in, so easy right? Right, Wrong!! The women's heat was last 7 min after the first. So the horn goes, we are out in the water, and I'm off to swim, I felt o.k. completely nervous but o.k. in body, I could do this. Then, what the heck.. my timeing chip strapped to my ankle falls off, I stop and turn around, "please float, please float" I'm shuffling back to where it fell off and it finally floats back up. O.k. I was like "just put it back on." So I do, of course I'm dead dead last now and back in I go, I can catch up right? Kick Kick .. you have got to be kidding me!!! It comes off again. I'm barely touching now and I'm bobbing more then the first to find the chip, you see... no chip, no race, no times, and a $50 fee, no matter what! So, I couldn't go. I find it again and I'm like what the heck I'm just going to double knot this thing to my ankle. I tie it, opps way too tight! loosen it a bit and look at the crowd as they are approaching the first buoy. I admit I said a few choice words, saved especially for this flavor of frustration. So, kerput I'm so out of my game. All I could think is... Just swim Just swim, and .. I can't be last, I have to pass at least one person. I have to or Larry will make fun of me. (Land Lord above our place, I told him this after and he said he would never do that ) So.. I am doing freestyle, i guess it's called the forward crawl or something like that. I'm pretty fast with this stroke but my nerves were so shot and I was swallowing a large amount of water so, what do I do when I give up? Breast stroke. So.. Apparently after I left a guy came in holding on to a kayak for dear life but I couldn't see that, I was so into just swimming. The volunteers were so nice. This lady in a kayak comes up to me, because of course I'm at least 5 min. behind everyone and I'm just starting I can only imagine what she was thinking " this poor lady, she isn't going to make it" lol So she says"do you need a rest" Of course if I stopped to hold her boat I'm completely disqualified or penalized, but I wasn't even thinking about resting. I was just thinking about swimming and finding anyone straggler or not to pass. I had no shame. I was utterly dead dead dead last. So I round the buoy, two kayakers were staying close by, I was the end of the heat and the last so I understood, they kept me company, we even had a few laughs and I got an invite for breakfast after. WEll, halleluia I swim and see a few stragglers ;) I'm back in. So I just started swimming harder and I passed one, the poor guy he was zig zagging like crazy, I'm sure he swam way more water than I did. Then I pass him and the second buoy, the next one is in sight he's probably 17 but still, I felt relentless so I dug in and swam as fast as I could 100 meters left I missed him by just seconds but I was o.k. I was done with the water. So... I have no clues, tips, or anything about transitions, I have no idea and had no idea how to do thing but to do them fast, so .. I tried to go fast, but I stopped to talk t odave, put my socks on lol and pack my pocket full of stuff then I was off in a mear (hold the laughter) 2:50 min. O.k. so It's my first tri o.k.?
So.. Swim:800meters
Goal:30 min. (thought would do 20)
Actual:31 min.
Then the bike started. Ohhhh It felt soo good to breath. I was just so happy on my bike. I get out onto the main road which was a short stint of the leg and I go to get my Gatorade. I put my bottle back in and opps, yes opps, I drop my bottle, how crappy is that?!? You have to pick it up or you are disqualified so I u turn get passed by the teenager pick up my busted bottle and start back again. The bike was just beautiful!! And I had so much cheering from Mom Dad Lauren and Dave, it was great!!! I sat at a good pace of about 18 mph it felt good, I wasn't going to burn myself and this was quicker than my goal time. I passed 11 people. I think I could have pushed a bit harder but I'm glad I didn't and you'll find out why.
Bike:15 mi.
Goal:1 hr. (thought would be 1:15)
Actual: 52 min.
So, this transition was good. I felt fine, I got fluids and fuel during the bike (my Gatorade would pour all over after I dropped it, it makes me laugh now to think I kept trying even after I knew it would just run all over me and none of it would get in my mouth) So, on foot I go. There were already people talking and done when I started the run. but that is o.k. So off I run and I pass a couple of people off the bat. Then the aid the aid station. I take a gadorade (whew it was strong) and go, a few minutes later stitch in side and I was surprised how tired my calves were. But, I knew I couldn't stop. Just keep running just keep running. It was o.k. I only passed on other lady, but because she skipped the timing pad, but she caught me when I was stretching my stitch and she said, "Let's jog together." So we did, she is actually in one of my pictures lol she was 52 she did a tri once when she was 26 and she was amazing!! Such a nice lady. So the last mile is here, ohy, I am just dying, thank goodness I had a running partner or I would have stopped. But, I just kept going and when I saw the sign in sight I sprinted, it felt soooo good and hurt soooo bad. I love to just sprint at the end, I said right before, o.k. here I go and the lady next to me says, "Do it girl go for it." I was bumbed, super because I looked up at the time and it said 2 hrs 2 min. my goal was 2 hrs but I was there. The lady went to get my chip and strap off and she was like, what the heck? I told her what happened, kinda through my breaths, and she says, man you had this on here tight, I said, I wasn't going to let it go again. So there it is...
Run: 5k -3.1 mi.
Goal:30 min.
Actual:28 min.
So I was talking to Dave and I told him how I kinda was bumbed I was 2 min behind my goal, and he said, oh no that clock is set from the first heat. I was so happy!! I know I'm not that fast but.. all in all I feel o.k. for a first timer.
First Tri: Swim 800 meters, Bike 15 miles, Run 3.1 miles
Goal 2 Hr.
Actual 1:56:38.2
We were standing around for awards after, which there was no way I could even get one. But.. "Age group 25-29 third place from Norfolk, VA Mary Peterson" lol Shocked and stunned and laughing.
I am kind of in post race blues but I don't know what it was, I lost five pounds that day. So... I've been eating like a horse ;) just kidding. I love this site if anyone wants to look into one themselves www.trifind.com it has pretty much all of them on there. I definately want to keep doing this but I just don't know when to find the time.. Maybe this fall. We'll see.
Well I miss my mom and Dad and Lauren misses mama and papa. She was a hoot, she would try to get grandpa to do something so she would be like paaaa pa! She just had a blast with Grandma and would wake them up in the morning and jump on their beds and giggle like it was Christmas Morning.
I think this is officially the longest post ever, I am expecting a call from Guinness any time now.
Monday, June 23, 2008
June Bug
O.k. how funny is this picture?!!!? It totally doesn't even look like her and she looks like one of those little furry bears from Star Wars. So funny!!
O.k. I am a slacker I know. But, Honestly, life is busy. So.. I'll start that we went to the beach and had a good morning toward the end of may. I really wanted to get some open water swim time in and I was scared. I know now that is the only way I will be better at the swim, I have to do open water swim. Like I said, I was just nervous I was going to be eaten by a dolphin or something.
Lauren Loved these beach balls "they were the art" for the month. I feel like there is a bigger appreciation for just art in general out here. I like it. Dave was, like always, such a good Dad. I'm so glad Lauren and him are going to be close. I think it will be Lauren and I that will struggle until she is sitting in my seat.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Which princess am I at the Ball?
You Are Aurora! (A.K.A. Sleeping Beauty.)

Thoughtful and loving. Authority figures probably have been sheltering you all of your life. Thankfully you're a very tranquil person who is content with what life has given you, but secretly you want to know how the outside world works.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Summer Time, when the livin's easy
O.k. So I have some explaining to do... I have been so busy!! Dave is into his third week of rotations and I'm so glad to see he is doing what he loves. He is gone more and that is a bumber but, ce levi. I'm training every morning a lot. I know I'm not pro, but I've come a long ways. I think every one knows I would always hold my nose when I swam, not anymore and I haven't for awhile. (pat on back) I have been biking really hard and swimming all the time. Even the life guards know me and tell me I look better. A side from training, Earlier this month we picked strawberries. It was so fun! And Yummy! We've had a couple of trips to the beach. It's so wierd to swim in open water, kinda freaky. I'm scared a dolphin is going to eat me, or I'm going to land my hand on a jelly fish. Another weekend we had friends over for dinner and I kinda got excited and made an Israeli dinner. It was super tasty. I was watching the Today show and they were saying Orange Chicken (the meal I did) was a dinner to make if you wanted to get engaged. It was interesting and they actually had examples.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
O.k. you guys. I'm so scared spit less! I am actually signed up for a sprint triathlon. Here is the site http://fsseries.com/triathlons_washington.php I know it's not much but still... I'm scared. I am not a very good swimmer so I've pretty much been living in the water the past half week and until the competition. I'll be just happy if I don't drown or half way cling to the buoy as everyone passes me by. If anyone wants to come watch, and maybe laugh a little too, come on down. It's two hours away from Norfolk. O.k. I did it. I've admitted and committed. Love y'all.
This one's for Dave
Y'all, I just want you to know that Dave and I have been married FIVE YEARS!! I know it is exciting. I just want to dedicate this post, although late, to Dave. I have to say that I think he is the most amazing, talented, whitty, kind, and yet level headed and inspiring youthful soul I know. I have learned so much from him. I walk taller because of him. I smile more, I laugh louder, I am closer to the Lord, I think clearer, I talk louder, I feel better, I love more and I have better memories because of him! David, I would be lost without you. You are such an amazing soul, I know you will laugh at that, but you are! And you are such a good dad!! You really show me how to be a good parent. I love you! How could I be so lucky?
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Reflections of Christ
My mom sent this to me via e-mail. I love it!! How amazing it is. This is what was in the e-mail.
There was a 'Reflections of Christ' photography exhibit recently on display at the Mesa Temple Visitor's Center in conjunction with the Easter Pageant produced by the LDS Church. The photographer was given permission to photograph Pageant cast members for the exhibit. The photographer worked with a few other individuals to put together a 5 minute slide show which includes every image from the exhibit set to the hymn 'Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.'
Monday, April 21, 2008
Blast From the Past: Disneyland
Blast From the Past: Disneyland
This is my Very first Disneyland trip to David. We had a lot of fun with eachother and John and Lara. You wouldn't know it but, I was so mad at Dave during most of the trip. He wouldn't even talk to me or pay attention to me, he says it's because he thought I was too hot and didn't want to "fornicate"
This is pretty funny. The farris wheel in California Adventure actually swivels as you go around and it freaked me out. Of course, Dave had to make fun.
We bought a year pass our first year in marriage. We went at least 9 times that year. We had sooo much fun! Ahh, lucky in Love.
Hubba Hubba! I love my Davo!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Flashback Friday
O.k. so I'm starting out with the sappiest and sweetest. What can I say, If i did it different it wouldn't be me right? This is my grandma Lisonbee who I adored and loved sooo much. I used to say, "If my mom dies, I would die, and grandma too." I was so shocked to find out a few years ago that she was actually hard to be close to and love. I always felt her love and wanted to feel it all the time. She knitted this sweater for me.
This is another one of my favorite pictures! Grandpa Harmon was such an amazing man and I miss him often and wish that Dave was able to meet him. We had just been engaged weeks when he died. Grandpa was one of those people that had an amazing ability to become friends with anyone. I was always impressed by him. I also found at his funeral that he was an Electrical Engineer, and drafted often (I know my family never talks). I guess I know now where it came from. I was always wondering why I was interested in it.
I am excited to be doing this and hope I keep up with it. If anyone is up for doing the same, come on and join in the fun.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tag!! Your it!
I've been tagged
I have a silly confession... I have wanted to do this tag.
10 years ago:
Oh lands, let me get my journal I have a horrible memory. o.k. I can't believe I had to look back to see this. I know this won't come as a shock to any of you, especially my fellow rabbits... but I was all about boys!! Really, I don't know how I even graduated high school, boys boys boys, I was so boy crazy!!! At ten years ago I was wrapping up my freshman year, the year of ultimate boy crazy because I loved like ten seniors, one especially Travis Pellum, lol. WEll, I was doing my cross country and loving it, and finding out that I can do sports as long as I don't have to have face to face competition. And, I was enjoying all the pleasures of sleep overs of gitty girls, and my favorite movie had to of been Three Amigo's lol it still makes me laugh liz.
5 places I have visited:
*Puerto Vierta, Mexico
*Arches, Bryce Canyon, and Grand Canyon Parks
*Washington DC
*San Salvador, Bahamas
*Oahu, Hawaii
5 things on my to do list:
*"Drop ten pounds immediately"
*Come up with a scavenger hunt for a day date with dave Saturday
*Scan some photos for flashback friday
*read 1984
*find a new platic panel online for the back pocket of our pilot ( I accidentally smashed it in our move)
5 lifetime goals:
*See, do, be as much as I can
*Raise children who are great and have a good relationship with them
*be that women who people look at and see an inner beauty shine through
*Travel with David and family
*Make friends that I will always have wherever I go
3 bad habits:
*This is so gross guys, I'm sorry and a little imberassed, farting.. it's gotten to the point that even dave doesn't think it's funny, but I just crack me up every time, especially when were sitting in bed reading or something lol I'm laughing just thinking about it. How old am I honestly?
*sneaking treats when everybody is asleep so I don't have to share (that is so me too amy- it's going to get the worst of me)
*putting myself down, bad posture
5 things you might not know:
*I can bend my thumb completely against my wrist
*I am training for my first triathelon
*I kissed 32 boys before dave and one during, I don't remember half of their names ;) and I was 20 when we got married, and 16 when I got my first kiss, I know I was boy crazy!!!
*I love yoga
*I used to snort when I laughed
I tag Heather, Nat, and Nancy, I so can't wait to read them girls!
Monday, April 14, 2008
We love the Botanical Gardens
We finally had some sunshine, so we bolted it to the botanical gardens last week. Lauren wasn't quite sure yet about the water, but this is her first time this year at the children's garden so I'm sure she'll be splashing and playing along with Calli soon. This trip we had a first, the gardners came out to show us a newly hatched turtle. Isn't it so cute! They even let Lauren hold it. She was so funny about it. You can see how little it was. Here's a few more pictures of Lauren and Calli playing on the turtles. Calli would try to get on the frogs that were squirting, and Lauren would just sit there and laugh. It was pretty funny. Calli would be so excited because she would finally be on the squirting frog, so she could play with the stream of water coming out of it's mouth, then it would stop and another one would start. I should have taken video.
Ahoy Matey!
So we finally went to see the Navel Museum here. It is impressive these ships. Lauren thought it was pretty cool to walk around the ship. As you can see one link in the chain that holds the anchors is nearly her size, but weighs 120 lbs. It's just amazing how big and small these ships are. Big as in the anchors, actual hull and guns (gosh the guns are huge) small as in the cabins, computers and living areas. The museum was pretty cool too. Lauren really liked the torpedos and wheels.